3 November 2017
This was my third year at Chelsea – not gardening, but designing. Trying to sum-up the essence of a show garden within print – and all before the garden is actually created. This time I was working with Jane Southcott PR on behalf of Fiona Cadwallader and the Poetry Lover’s Garden.
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3 November 2017
Thanks to a kind recommendation by Avert, I’ve also been working for IMA international, revamping their training course brochure. IMA International supports organisations in international development through training, consultancy and coaching worldwide.
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3 November 2017
I’ve recently worked on Avert’s Annual report. This takes a little step on from last year’s design, and forms a companion publication to the Strategic Plan.
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28 April 2017
Avert have been working to reduce the impact of AIDS and HIV since 1986. I only started working for them last year, and have recently completed the design of their 5-year Strategic Plan. This has been a bit of a design departure for me, as this, and their Annual Report are packed-full of infographics. I […]
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